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    Date 11.11.2024

    Announcing our launch

    Tariq RafidTariq Rafid

    As we look forward to the start of the new year, our team is thrilled to share updates that tackles what sales teams face these days!
    Mersal is a product that will help your bussniess thrive in a world were data became a valuable assest. if you can't manage and extract value out of it. well, you probably won't last that long.
    Mersal will be ready in production on the first day of 2025

    Because little details make a different

    We're building smart sales suite and training our own LLM co-pilot that will help your business in unexpected ways. By tracking and connecting your implicit data, you'll get access to insights you didn't even know existed, cold approach will become way easier and more personal and will create value when it's put in the right context. Our goal is to reach a state where the end customer get what they truly want in the most effective way possible, even when your customers fail to articulate their intreset. LLMs are uniquely positioned to make that happen. It's all about simplicity—effortless integration, one-click actions, actionable data, and minimizing missed opportunities.

    Sounds intresting?

    Then to our news letter, early subscribers will get a chance to have early-access features, behind the scenes view and Mersal road maps.